Book Review: Zero Day by David Baldacci

Zero Day by David Baldacci

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Baldacci at it again! Among his different series, I have read reviews on John Puller ones are really good. So, I thought of buying the first one – Zero Day.

How was it? Well, a brilliant narrative first of all. Unlike other Baldacci novels, this one has a plotline that mostly sits on suspense rather than thriller. I loved the way he built the suspense enough to get to the final part.

Yet again an all powerful protagonist John Puller – his character portrayal was really impressive because this novel is mostly about him. He is left all alone to dig and solve a murder case which turns out to be a much bigger issue. Samantha Cole was a realistic character developed as the female lead and Baldacci builds romantic tension at places with very subtle and nuance writings that I adored it.

Coming to the plot – a terrorist tragedy unfolding in the final chapters which also goes for a twist at the end. Well researched and written. Choice of premise and the background of the place added more credibility to the plot. The people at higher echelons in the Pentagon simply dusting Puller away sounded more convincing of the politics in this field.

Suspense was well handled and broken once, twice and then at the last as well. The main culprit behind the whole issue was hated by me when the author revealed and though it was a cinematic showdown, I liked the climax. There is a nail biting sequence which made me hold my breath, only to realise that a beloved character tragically dies. It was heart-breaking arc.

Overall a great read for the year end.

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