Book Review: Don’t believe everything you Think by Joseph Nguyen

Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering by Joseph Nguyen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The title is alluring which was why I decided to buy and read it. Thinking – sometimes our friend but mostly our enemy.

So, what has Joseph detailed in this book that prompted me to give 5 stars? I am not a huge fan of the self help category, but all the books that I have researched and then read proved to have some really good insights including this one.

The five stars is mainly for his brilliant, life-altering point that thoughts and thinking are not the same. I had no idea!

Thoughts are nouns and they just exist and arrive from the Universe or God. They are expansive and hence do not make us feel strained inside. Thinking however, is a verb, an unwanted action that arises from inside us that is our Ego, which is never good for anything.

Thinking consumes energy whereas thoughts not so much. Most of the battles that happen in our life are not external but internal ones which can be eradicated by this simple shift in mental programming.

Being calm, passionate, peaceful and joyful like a baby is actually our natural form. Anything else is a survival mechanism gone haywire inside our mind. So much unwanted thinking and resulting imaginations, emotional draining, stress and fear are due to this.

Just shift the gear inside to calm thoughts whenever mind slips back into negative thinking which can vary from doubts, fear to depression and self destruction.

I deeply pray that this insight should be etched in my heart and brain forever so that I can slowly achieve the state of “non-thinking” or the flow!

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